Careers in Digital Media and Game Studies

Advanced technical communicator
Plan the content creation and media production processes, develop written, graphical, video or other contents, generate media output, and receive and integrate feedback from users.

User experience designer
Analyse products, legal requirements, markets, customers and users to develop information and media and software concepts, standards, structures.

Usability expert
Recognize and understand user needs in relation to product objectives, perform research to identify design issues and support design decisions with data.
This two year 120 ECTS program is structured in four semesters
1st semester (October-February)
- New Media Culture
- Media Studies
- Fundamentals of Game Studies
- Web Design
- Elective 1
2nd semester (February-July)
- Quantitative User Research
- Digital Prototyping Project
- Professional Internship
- Elective 2
- Elective 3
3rd semester (October-February)
- Qualitative User Research
- Digital Media Ethics and Law
- Digital Storytelling and Interactive Narratives
- Digital Distribution Platforms
4th semester (February-July)
- Ethics and Academic Integrity
- Media Semiotics
- Practicum
- Preparation of the Dissertation
- Professional Internship
- Elective 4
Practicum & Extracurriculars
Our program offers students an opportunity to develop their digital media and game production skills

UBB Radio
UBB Radio Online is a student school radio station with a programme grid aimed at students, founded in 2007.

UBBTV is a TV and video project initiated in 2010 and developed by students under the guidance of specialist teachers.

The StudentPress editorial team highlights the extraordinary people around us and reveals through stories the world we live in.

FotoClub 50mm
Fotoclub 50mm is an extracurricular project initiated by students passionate about photography in 2010.

MediaProject is the students’ extracurricular video and multimedia production project.

About the internships
Find out more about internships, partner institutions and other internship opportunities.